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Modern Materials Management (MM-3)

MM-3 walks you through today’s warehouse systems and management techniques. Ignoring the common fads and trends in technology. MM-3 takes a barebones approach and focuses on the technology trends that produce tested and true results. From Database Development and Computer Applications with tips from real warehouse managers, MM-3 is positioned to provide you with reduced warehouse overhead and ways to better incorporate strong technical tools that will take you to the next level of management. As per the prerequisite below, it is recommended that you have completed MM-2 before starting this course.



- Completed Materials Management and Techniques (MM-2)



Course Subjects


1. Modern Materials Handling Equipment

2. Database Development and Barcoding

3. Logistics Analysis

4. Intermodal Transportation and Distribution systems

5. Export Distribution

6. Private Fleet Management

7. The Role of the Computer in Materials Management

8. From MRP to JIT

9. Handling & Transportation of Dangerous Goods

10. Computer Applications in Materials Management

11. Bulk Material Handling and Transportation

12. Management of Human Resources

13. Basic Concepts in Facility Design

MM-3 Registration Recieved. We will Contact You Soon.

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