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Warehouse Shelves from Above

Canada's Largest Materials Handling and Management Society

Check out our upcoming events and get started today

About MHMS Ontario

The Materials Handling & Management Society or MHMS for short is a society focused on connecting industry members from all fields.


With over 70 years of history in Ontario, MHMS has a long-term commitment to help push Ontario's material handling and management practices forward.


Material handling and management is a constantly evolving field. Professionals and newcomers alike must always keep their skills up-to-date for a competitive edge in the industry.  


Certification and Canadian-renowned PMM (professional materials manager) accreditation can be earned through our MHMS program to help keep you on top and at the forefront of your industry.




To Be Announced Soon

Canadian Tire Distribution

Tour and Meet


Honda Warehouse

Tour and Meet


Rogers Center

Tour and Meet

Latest News

Pocket Nurse Boosts Productivity with Better Connectivity

- Dec 13, 2022

See how Pocket Nurse has recently developed wearable devices and a mobile computing platform to eliminate dropped signals, increase productivity and improve associate morale.

Sustainable packaging comes on strong

- Nov 20, 2022

Improved packaging equipment and systems continue to address sustainability, from the growing popularity of systems that right-size corrugated cartons on demand to auto baggers that use kraft paper stock rather than poly. 


With over 50 core members in Ontario and 500 in North America. MHMS is a trusted worldwide leading society of engineers and managers. Whether you are a professional or a newcomer. MHMS aims to help you grow your career and network with other professionals to help you stay up to date on the latest changes, events, and innovations in the industry.

There are many benefits to becoming a member including course and event discounts, free specialty events, and a full network of high-level MHMS members.

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